
Voting is at the Stella Town Hall, 2496 County Hwy C, on election day from 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Polling place is accessible to elderly and disabled voters.

Acceptable Photo ID will be required to vote.  If you do not have a photo ID you may obtain a free ID for voting from the Division of Motor Vehicles. Please see below for more information

New voters can register to vote on election day if he or she has resided in the Town of Stella 10 days prior to election day with no intent to move. Proof of residency is required. New voters can also register by mail by contacting the municipal clerk or on-line at MyVote.wi.gov.

Online voter registration launched on January 9, 2017. If your WI Driver License/ID is current, you may now register to vote online during open registration without printing your application and mailing proof of residence to your municipal clerk. Easy and fast. For more information, please click on My Vote Wisconsin link above.

Notice of Meeting of the Local Board of Canvassers

At the close of voting on Election Day, pursuant to the provisions of Wis. Stat. § 19.84, the Election Inspectors at each polling place will convene as the Local Canvassing Board for the purpose of conducting the local canvass pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 7.51. This meeting will be open to the public pursuant to Wis. Stat. §§ 19.81-89.

For Voter Registration, Absentee Ballots or any questions regarding the voting process, please contact Stella Town Clerk, Stacy Schickert, at clerk@townofstella.com or call 715-369-2292.

Please click on this link for more specific information on voting from the Wisconsin Elections and Ethics Commission


Other useful links for voters:




FREE ID and Identification Card Petition Process (IDPP) for Voting

Please click on the link below:


or visit your local DMV office or call 1-844-588-1069 for more information.